Just a few remarks. If you have already watched the sermon on Facebook, you are probably thinking, "Wait, the manuscript is very different from the video!" Yes, that is true. Even as I prepare manuscripts for the week's sermon if really serves as a research or preparation document. It is rarely meant to be read from. I don't always have time to prepare a manuscript. On those occasions I prepare an outline. Oh! If you haven't seen the video of this sermon, you can do so here... https://www.facebook.com/1308738/videos/3369185506729801/ Sermon: Free to Live as a Disciple – July 23, 2023 – Lebanon UMC Proper 11 (16) Year A — Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Romans 8:12-25; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Introduction Today’s texts deal with some of the pain and frustrations of living the life of the disciple. The Bible never says that the life of a disciple will be an easy one — to the contrary, the life is described as “denying ourselves and taking up our cross daily to f...
A place for me to coordinate various opportunities I am offering in discipling formation and ministries.