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Showing posts from April, 2023

Making Disciples: Week by Week

A vital part of growing as a disciple is putting yourself in a position to be held accountable. This is best done with a small group of fellow disciples. It is before these people that we share our weekly, monthly, or life-long goals. It is this group of people who will ask us for a progress report week after week. It is to this group that we share our victories and our failures. This is the group that will help us to grow in holiness. It doesn't matter if it is called a Huddle, or an Incubator, or an Accountability Group, or an Emmaus Reunion Group, or a Disciple Bible Study, or any other small group gathering of Christian disciples. If the group members aren't being equipped, empowered, supported, and held accountable for continuing the process of making disciples, then it is not an effective or fruitful disciple-making ministry. Consider this simple tool for evaluating your disciple-making ministry group. 1. Are people being taught to see how God is at work in their lives? W...